Expert Bird Control Service – New York City & Long Island – Guaranteed Results!
- Feral Pigeon - An inherently social bird, pigeons thrive on human interaction. In fact, they rely on us for food and habitat. As such, they are frequently found in public places, and aren’t deterred by the presence of humans – you’ve likely noticed their unbothered attitude. They are just over a foot in height and have very distinct, grayish-colored bodies with stark red feet and claws. They can produce a dozen offspring in a year, with a short incubation time of less than a month. Because of this, an infestation can occur quickly, especially if there are multiple pigeon nesting sites in the area. Pigeons are also persistent. They’re non-migratory and will stick around a nesting site even months after exclusionary tactics have been performed. Also known as rock doves, homing pigeons, and more accurately, flying rats, pigeons carry a wide range of health-related problems. Harboring a myriad of parasites and infectious diseases, including histoplasmosis and salmonellosis, pigeons aren’t just a nuisance to passerby in the park. Producing up to 25 pounds of acidic defecation per year, they can release dangerous spores as well as damage roofing, ventilation systems, and other structural aspects of a building. Additionally, a pigeon infestation can also trigger secondary pest problems, like ticks and other mites that reside between a pigeon’s feathers. Because of their persistent attitude and food foraging, getting rid of pigeons can prove a long process, and if not done properly, often results in many failed attempts. A trusted bird control professional, like our experienced technicians at The Ex-Terminators, can help reduce pigeon recurrence and infestation resurgence.
- House Sparrows A non-native species, the house sparrow is originally from Great Britain, and are also known as English sparrows and flying mice. Because of this, they’re known to displace native species due to their aggressive nesting habits, causing an ecological disruption. Largely an urban pest, these birds are relatively small, only about six inches in height. You’ll recognize them by their constant series of chirps and brownish body accompanied by a cream-colored chest and some black spots. Sparrows, like pigeons, are also social birds, so they feed on food products, disseminate diseases, and carry secondary pests in large numbers. And because, individually, they’re so small, they can make their way into buildings through small gaps and openings that you may not even notice, making an infestation go unnoticed until it gets too late. Speaking of a sparrow infestation can spread quickly – with females able to produce up to 28 offspring a year, and an incubation time of only two weeks. House sparrows don’t like to leave a building or property once they’ve gotten settled. They’re extremely adaptable and resourceful, even known for drinking water from A/C pans and floor machines. Despite their small size, their nests are often bulky, made of materials like straw, grass, feathers, and strips of paper. As such, their nests, which are commonly found near breaker boxes and electrical equipment, can pose a fire hazard. Preferring man-made habitats, house sparrows are opportunistic when it comes to infesting your home or business.
- European Starlings - So-called for their glossy black appearance dotted with small white spots, starlings are medium-sized birds that have disrupted the native ecology with their sheer numbers. Commonly considered noisy, they vocalize not only frequently, but at high pitches. When a roosting site is developed, those on the property will notice boisterous noise and large accumulations of corrosive droppings. Starlings travel often, meaning their likelihood of picking up parasites and diseases along the way is increased. Of those, includes fungal diseases, protozoan disease toxoplasmosis, and blastomycosis. Starlings also pose a large agricultural threat through the spread of livestock diseases and mass consumption of agricultural products like fruits and grains. Because of their mass group tendencies, starlings pose unique pest control challenges. The buildup of nesting materials as well as droppings can make cleanup challenging, while controlling so many at once can also prove difficult.
At The Ex-Terminators, we use many products that are designed specifically to exclude birds from your property without inhumanely harming them. Exclusionary tactics are successful in the proactive prevention of pest birds as well as the reduction of current nesting. Our technicians will perform a detailed inspection to identify your unique bird infestations and any damage that has been caused. We’ll use this information to locate any at-risk areas and distinguish the best solutions for you. Our trained technicians have experience in creating custom solutions for pest birds. Because every structure and pest bird species combination require a unique solution, our technicians will custom-evaluate your situation to determine the most cost-effective method for you.
- Stainless-Steel Bird Spikes - Stainless steel bird spikes are humane bird control devices used to deter birds from landing or roosting on surfaces. They feature rows of pointed spikes that prevent birds from perching, making them a highly effective solution to protect buildings, signs, and other structures from bird-related damage and mess. These spikes are also discreet so your building’s façade will stay pristine.
- Bird Netting - Bird Netting is a high-quality solution for creating a physical barrier that permanently blocks birds from entering protected areas. This netting effectively prevents birds from perching, roosting, and nesting where they are unwanted, making it suitable for both commercial and residential settings. It is attached using a system of heavy-duty, low-visibility stainless steel cables and fasteners, ensuring a near-invisible application. Employing this bird netting method strategically denies pigeons access to their favored roosting locations, thereby establishing a superior and efficient bird control solution.
- Optical Gel Disks - Optical Gel is a multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell, and touch:
- Sight - Optical Gel disrupts birds' perception of safety by creating the illusion of imminent danger. The gel's appearance is akin to a severe threat, such as fire or smoke, compelling birds to instinctively steer clear immediately.
- Smell - Birds find the scent of citronella and peppermint oil highly unpleasant. This avian-safe fragrance makes the area inhospitable for birds, further reinforcing their aversion to the treated space. Optical Gel is made of all-green natural ingredients making it safe for humans, and's even safe for the birds. But they dispise it!
- Touch - Birds instinctively steer clear of the sticky material of Optical Gel, and even if they come into contact with it, the uncomfortable sensation reinforces their aversion.
- Bird Shock Track - Bird Shock Track is an innovative bird control solution that delivers a mild electric shock upon contact. This humane method discourages birds from landing or perching on surfaces, making it an effective way to protect your property from avian pests. Bird Shock Track is designed to be low profile and nearly invisible from the ground once installed, ensuring that it doesn't detract from the aesthetics of your property while effectively deterring birds.
- Humane Live Trapping - Utilizing bird traps is a highly effective strategy for reducing the pest bird population before deploying bird deterrent products. This approach allows for a significant decrease in the flock size without causing harm and helps manage public concerns. Often, bird trapping is the most cost-efficient option, albeit demanding in terms of time and effort. A successful trapping program spans several weeks and involves multiple site visits, encompassing essential steps like site selection, pre-baiting, trapping, bird removal, and follow-up. It's crucial to stress that flock reduction is an initial phase before deterrent device installation. Mere bird removal without deterring others may lead to new birds taking their place. To enhance trapping effectiveness, multi-catch traps with provisions for food and water are employed, ensuring humane treatment of captured birds.
- Solar Panel Protection - Our cutting-edge solar panel bird deterrent kit prevents birds from nesting under solar arrays, safeguarding your roof, wiring, and equipment. As solar panel adoption grows, we offer a solution to protect these installations from birds and critters.Click/Tap Here to get a quote on Solar Panel Exclusion- TODAY!